Editors-in-Chief: ethe@uoc.edu
Submission enquiries: pia.sustal@springernature.com
General enquiries: info@springeropen.com
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Annual Journal Metrics
Citation Impact 2023
Journal Impact Factor: 8.6
5-year Journal Impact Factor: 9.9
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 4.019
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.578Speed 2023
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 28
Submission to acceptance (median days): 91Usage 2023
Downloads: 2,572,502
Altmetric mentions: 1,356
This journal is indexed by
- Scopus
- Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI)
- Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition
- Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences
- ProQuest Central
- Google Scholar
- ISSN: 2365-9440 (electronic)