- Dossier “Mobile Learning Applications in Higher Education”
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Mobile learning: a collaborative experience using QR codes
Mobile learning: una experiencia colaborativa mediante códigos QR
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education volume 11, pages 175–191 (2014)
The experience presented in this article highlights the educational potential of using mobile learning and QR codes in a secondary physical education classroom to foster healthy physical activity. The experience was designed as a collaborative didactic unit for 13/14 year-old compulsory secondary education pupils from two schools in Barcelona, Spain. The main objective was to simulate a Mount Everest ascent by performing collaborative resistance strength challenges designed by the pupils and converted into QR codes. The total number of strength exercise repetitions that the pupils from both schools managed to do collaboratively simulated the number of metres climbed towards the summit of Mount Everest. The experience was based on qualitative educational research and had a multiple case-study design. Moreover, it used a collaborative methodology to accomplish the challenge. The results obtained show the potential of mobile learning as an emergent educational tool that is capable of facilitating and fostering the teaching-learning process.
La siguiente experiencia muestra las posibilidades educativas del uso del aprendizaje móvil y de códigos QR en el aula de Educación física de secundaria como herramienta para fomentar la práctica de actividad física saludable. La experiencia ha sido diseñada en forma de unidad didáctica colaborativa para el alumnado de segundo curso de educación secundaria obligatoria de dos centros educativos de Barcelona. El objetivo principal ha sido simular el ascenso al Everest mediante la realización de retos colaborativos de fuerza resistencia diseñados por el alumnado y convertidos en códigos QR. La suma de repeticiones de fuerza conseguidas de forma colaborativa entre el alumnado de ambos centros ha simulado en metros la ascensión al Everest. La experiencia se ha basado en la investigación educativa cualitativa y bajo un diseño de casos múltiple y ha utilizado una metodología colaborativa para la consecución del reto. Los resultados obtenidos han demostrado el potencial del aprendizaje móvil como herramienta educativa emergente facilitadora y motivadora del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje.
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Monguillot Hernando, M., González Arévalo, C., Guitert Catasús, M. et al. Mobile learning: a collaborative experience using QR codes. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 11, 175–191 (2014). https://doi.org/10.7238/rusc.v11i1.1899
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7238/rusc.v11i1.1899