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Table 3 Overview of coded themes

From: Desirable and realistic futures of the university: a mixed-methods study with teachers in Denmark

Main themes and subthemes


Maintain our mission to educate new generations (n = 15)

 A research-based approach to the world

Interest in critical and research-based approaches to problems in the world

 The mission of higher education

In defence of academic practices and values. Concerns for deterioration of academia, higher education differs from schools with an applied perspective

 Lifelong learning

Higher education offers foundational knowledge as a stepping stone for lifelong learning

 Erosion of professional identities

Concerns for loss of a strong professional identity

A critical approach to technology

Interest in approaching technology such as AI from a critical perspective but without rejecting them per-se

Inspiring teachers, inspired students (n = 12)

 Student learning

Concerns about low quality student learning and engagement

 Quality teaching

Interest in old-fashion teaching which is of high quality


Concerns about having limited time to do quality teaching


Concerns for automatisation of teaching and learning

Limitation of digital technologies

Concerns about the role of digital technologies/devices and suggestion for digital degrowth

Arguable demands (n = 12)

 Corporate influence

Concerns for the influence of corporate companies

 Financial cuts

Concerns for the government’s management of universities

 Modules of knowledge

Concerns for modularisation of education

 Buyers’ market

Universities are presented as offering services, and students as buyers


Concerns for students and teachers’ well-being and level of stress

Hybrid borders (n = 6)

 Benefits beyond cognitive knowledge

Statements of the university as a place of identity formation and embodied encounters, beyond knowledge (with students in mind)


Interest in expansion of disciplinary practices and knowledge through the integration of other disciplines


Statements that present the university as (becoming) a global institution


Inclusion of student diversity

Not sitting on an academic pedestal (n = 4)

 An applied approach to education

In favour of presenting real-world problems to students and assessing students’ ability to apply what they have learned

Disruption of practice (n = 4)

Digital technologies as disrupters

Statements of the ways that digital technologies and applications might disrupt existing practices

 Revisiting core elements of teaching and learning

Statements expressing a desire for modifying core educational elements such as examination practices