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Table 6 List of competency questions for the syllabus knowledge graph

From: Platform-independent and curriculum-oriented intelligent assistant for higher education


Syllabus element

Competency questions

Course information

Course name

What is the name of the course?

What is the course’s title?

What is the course’s name?

Course number

What is the course number?

What is the number of the course?

What is the course ID?

Credit hours

How many credit hours is this course worth?

What are the credit hours for this course?

What is the credit hour value of this course?

Location and class times

Where is the location of the lecture?

Where will the lecture be held?

What will be the lectures location?

What times are the lectures?

When do the lectures take place?


Does this course have any prerequisites/corequisites?

Are there any prerequisites or corequisites for this course?

Is there a pre-requisite or a co-requisite for this course?

Faculty information


What is the name of the instructor/professor?

What is the name of the professor or instructor?

What is the professor’s name?

Contact information

How can I contact the instructor?

What is the best way for me to get in touch with the instructor?

What is the contact information of the Instructor?

Office location

Where is the office of the instructor?

Where can I find the instructor’s office?

What is the location of the instructor’s office?

Office hours

When are the instructor’s office hours?

What are the instructor’s office hours?

How long is the instructor’s office open?

TA/teaching assistant information


What is the name of the TA/Teaching Assistant?

What is the TA’s/Teaching Assistant’s name?

What is the name of the TA?

Contact information

How can I contact the TA?

What is the best way for me to get in touch with the TA?

What is the TA’s email?

Office location

Where is the office of the TA?

Where can I find the TA’s office?

What is the location of the TA’s office?

Office hours

When are the TA’s office hours?

What are the TA’s office hours?

How long is the TA’s office open?

Course goals and/or objectives

Course objectives

What are the course objectives?

What are the goals of the course?

What are the objectives of this course?

Expectations from the course

What are the expectations from the course?

What can you anticipate from the course?

What are the course’s objectives?

Course calendar

Due dates

When are Assignments due?

When are the deadlines for assignments?

When must assignments be completed?

Assignment dates

When are assignments released?

When do assignments become available?

When will assignments be made available?

Attendance and classroom behavior

Attendance policy

What is the attendance policy for this course?

What is the course's attendance policy?

What is this class's attendance policy?

Expected classroom behavior

Is there any expected classroom behavior?

Is there any standard classroom conduct?

Is there any anticipated behavior in the classroom?

Grading and assignments

Grading criteria

What is the grading criteria for this course?

What is the grading breakdown?

What are the grading guidelines for this course?

Tentative exam schedule

How many exams does this course have?

When are the exams?

When will the exams be held?

When is the final exam?

Instructional materials


What textbook does this course use?

What textbook is being used in this course?

What textbook is used in this class?

Other required materials for the course

What are the other materials this course uses?

What additional materials does this course use?

What additional materials does this course make use of?


Late assignments

What happens when I turn in my assignment late?

What happens if I submit my assignment after the deadline?

What happens if I miss the deadline for submitting my assignment?

Academic dishonesty

What is the cheating policy?

What are the policies on Academic dishonesty?

What are the policies against academic misconduct?

Disability statement

What are the accommodations provided for a student with a disability?

What kind of accommodations are made for a student who has a disability?

Freedom of speech

How does this class accommodate Free speech and Expression?

How does this class allow for free speech and expression?

Makeup policy

What is the makeup policy for assignments?

What is the policy on assignment makeup?

Mental health resources

Are there any resources for mental health?

Is there any information about mental health?

Are there any mental health resources?

Absences for religious holy days

How do absences for holy days be considered?

How are absences from holy days taken into account?