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Table 13 Survey questions: Self-organization abilities

From: The influence of digital competences, self-organization, and independent learning abilities on students’ acceptance of digital learning


The following questions relate to your personal learning experiences in general, regardless of whether you learn digitally or in presence at the university

Please rate the following statements as honestly and sincerely as possible

In my studies, I am self-disciplined and I find it easy to set aside reading and homework time

I am able to manage my study time effectively and complete assignments on time

In my studies, I set goals and have a high degree of initiative

When it comes to learning and studying, I am a self-directed person

I plan out my week’s work in advance, either on paper or in my head

To make sure you are paying attention, please click “agree” here

The following questions relate to your personal learning experiences in relation to digital-only learning. The focus here is on how you learn when you cannot physically learn or attend events at the university

Please rate the following statements as honestly and sincerely as possible

Not being at the university campus hinders me from studying

I am not able to organize my time during digital learning effectively

I lack the daily routine due to absence of classes at university

I find it difficult to get up in the morning without having a scheduled class

I manage to complete the assignments for online courses

I am more systematic and organized during digital learning