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Table 3 Key success factors for the institutional transformation using bLearning and / or eLearning

From: Learning from success stories when using eLearning and bLearning modalities in higher education: a meta-analysis and lessons towards digital educational transformation

From the educational perspective

From the technological perspective

From the organizational perspective

E16. Foster the formation of effective learning communities per course

E17. Promote collaborative work among various institutional actors to achieve objectives of the eLearning / bLearning programs

E18. Culture collaborative learning by using hybrid learning experiences that require “real interaction” and involve joint work between the participants and the teacher and/or tutor towards the proposed learning objectives

T12. Use collaborative technological design for desirable educational strategies

T13. Conduct research in LMS, digital tools and devices, aligned with pedagogical needs, taking into consideration access opportunities and restraints

T14. Provide continuous and diverse teacher training, related with education mediated with digital technologies

T15. Provide 24/7 on demand online technical support to teachers and students

O9. Meet training requirements derived from applicable contextual norms

O10. Ensure institutional commitment with non-face-to-face programs

O11. Maintain the standards of non-face-to-face programs at the same level of the face-to-face ones

O12. Perform periodic needs assessment and program evaluation to support tactic and strategic decision making

O13. Provide effective student accompaniment

O14. Train teams for interdisciplinary design of programs and flexible and efficient students accompaniment