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Table 7 Possible Barriers in Teachers’ Adoption of Smartphones in Higher Education

From: A qualitative exploration of teachers’ perspective on smartphones usage in higher education in developing countries



No. of Respondents

Percentage of Respondents

Example of Quotations

Lack of Training/Support

Don’t know many functionalities of Smartphones



Respondent # 14: “I feel I know very little about Smartphone functions. There should be a hands on training to educate faculty on how to use Smartphones in formal and informal learning.”

Lack of knowledge

Don’t know how to use Smartphones in promoting formal and informal learning



Respondent # 6: “I don’t have much idea about using Smartphones in promoting learning in higher education. The success stories of Smartphone usage in Higher Education should be shared with every faculty member to motivate them to use this sophisticated gadget.”

Time constraints

Using technology puts additional time constraints on already overburdened university faculty



Respondent # 17: “Faculty members in Higher Education are already overburdened and asking them to use Smartphones for academic purposes will put an extra burden on them.”

Lack of Incentives

No difference among the users and non-users of technology in terms of awards and recognition



Respondent # 9: “… there is no difference among those using technology and those who are not using it in terms of rewards and recognition. Use of technology in Higher Education demands extra time and effort which should be compensated in terms of awards and rewards.”

Technological Constraints

Small screen size



Respondent # 12: “I am not very much comfortable in reading text on small screen of Smartphones. Also data entry using its small keyboard is troublesome for me.”

Small keyboard

