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Table 2 A sketch of the so-called “Guidelines for the Use of Artificial Intelligence Instruments for Written Papers at the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences”

From: Embracing the future of Artificial Intelligence in the classroom: the relevance of AI literacy, prompt engineering, and critical thinking in modern education


Title and summary


Purpose and Scope

Outlines the use of AI generative models in academic writing at KFH, emphasizing adherence to scientific and ethical principles without diminishing student independence


Permitted Use of AI


Ethical and Scientific Principles

AI use is allowed under strict adherence to ethical and scientific standards. Students must ensure proper handling of sources and maintain transparency about AI use in their work


Permitted Use of AI

All types of generative models for image, text, or sound creation are permissible, but transparency in their use and thus documentation in the appendix is required


Creation of Text Material

Direct copy-pasting of AI-generated texts is prohibited. AI should be used as an "informed conversational partner," and critical engagement with AI-generated text is necessary


Creation of Images

Use of generative models for image creation is allowed. Images created using AI must be properly credited and documented


Documentation in the Appendix

The use of AI in academic writing must be documented in a table in the appendix, specifying the AI tools used, their application, the critical review process, and the location in the manuscript this applies to


Prohibited Use of AI

Directly using texts from AI or other people as part of academic work is forbidden. This applies to all forms of writing, and any violation will be treated commensurate with plagiarism



Exceptions to these guidelines are possible if the academic assignment specifies different requirements


Effective Date

The guidelines became effective on July 1, 2023, and supplemented existing regulations and guidelines for academic writing at KFH

  1. The German title was: «Leitfaden zur Benutzung von Instrumenten der Künstlichen Intelligenz bei schriftlichen Arbeiten an der Kalaidos Fachhochschule.»