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Table 1 Coding framework for programming behaviors

From: Would ChatGPT-facilitated programming mode impact college students’ programming behaviors, performances, and perceptions? An empirical study



Understanding task (UT)

A student transferred to the task window to understand the programming projects

Coding in Python (CP)

A student wrote codes with the Python language in the system

Debugging in Python (DP)

A student debugged in PyCharm

Understanding Python codes (UPC)

A student attempted to understand the code with the mouse moving back and forth on the code

Checking Radar Chart (CRC)

A student checked the radar chart output in PyCharm

Reading console message (RCM)

A student read error messages in output console in PyCharm

Asking new questions (ANQ)

A student asked new questions in ChatGPT/browser

Pasting console message (PCM)

A student pasted error messages from output console window in ChatGPT/browser

Pasting Python codes (PPC)

A student pasted Python codes to ChatGPT/browser

Reading feedback (RF)

A student read feedback in ChatGPT/browser

Copy and paste codes (CPC)

A student copy and paste codes from ChatGPT/browser

Referring to additional materials (RAM)

A student referred to additional materials from instructors

Failure in ChatGPT (FC)

ChatGPT failed to give feedback due to technical problems (e.g., cannot connect to the server, get stuck)

Idle operation (IO)

A student had no operation