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Table 1 Systematic literature reviews on AI Chatbots in Education

From: Role of AI chatbots in education: systematic literature review

Title (citation)

Summary of main Findings

A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of the Effect of Chatbot Technology Use in Sustainable Education (Deng & Yu, 2023)

(a) Chatbot technology demonstrated a substantial impact on overall learning outcomes, regardless of factors such as intervention duration and learning content

(b) When it comes to specific aspects of learning, chatbots exhibited significant enhancements in knowledge retention

(c) The research revealed nonsignificant effect of chatbots on critical thinking, learning engagement, and motivation

Interacting with educational chatbots: A systematic review

(Kuhail et al., 2023)

(a) Chatbots are predominantly developed on web platforms to teach various subjects

(b) Most chatbots stick to preplanned conversation paths. Some of them utilize personalized learning methods catered to individual student requirements. Some chatbots integrate experiential and collaborative learning, along with other design principles

(c) Developing chatbots faces challenges and limitations, including a lack of adequate training datasets

Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review (Krstić et al., 2022)

(a) AI revolutionizes the methods of instruction employed by educators and the approaches to knowledge acquisition adopted by students

(b) The integration of AI into educational systems leads to the advancement of teaching and learning programs

(c) AI is bringing about significant transformations in the field of education, while recognizing that it won't entirely supplant the conventional education system

Chatbots applications in education: A systematic review (Okonkwo & Ade-Ibijola, 2021)

a) Chatbots are used in education for teaching, administration, assessment, advisory, and research

b) Chatbots have the potential to enhance learning outcomes through immediate assistance, quick access to information, and increased student motivation

c) Implementing Chatbot technology in education faces challenges like ethics, evaluation methods, user attitudes, programming complexities, and data integration issues

Are we there yet?-a systematic literature review on chatbots in education (Wollny et al., 2021)

(a) Chatbots possess the capacity to serve as a valuable educational tool, capable of enhancing student learning outcomes across various domains such as knowledge acquisition, problem-solving skills, self-regulation, and motivation

(b) In the realm of education, chatbots have been employed for diverse purposes, including the dissemination of information, responding to inquiries, offering feedback, providing tutoring support, gamifying the learning experience, and facilitating social interaction

(c) Incorporating chatbots into education comes with challenges that need to be addressed, including the development of high-quality chatbot systems, the establishment of effective evaluation methods, and the resolution of ethical concerns associated with their use

AI in Education:

A Systematic Literature Review

(Tahiru, 2021)

(a) AI presents extensive opportunities in education for teachers and students to harness and attain its necessary advantages

(b) AI is already being implemented in education and various other sectors in developed nations

(c)There are challenges involved in adopting AI in education, including ethical concerns, technological factors such as data usage and ownership, and organizational considerations like the potential replacement of humans by AI

Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review (Chen et al., 2020)

(a) AI Chatbots fulfill instructors' duties and responsibilities, acting as virtual assistants

(b) AI Chatbots enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of teachers, leading to a higher quality of instruction

(c) AI Chatbots offer students enhanced learning experiences, contributing to improved educational outcomes

Rediscovering the use of chatbots in education: A systematic literature review

(Pérez et al., 2020)

(a) Chatbots are increasingly used in education for personalized tutoring, homework help, concept learning, test preparation, collaboration, and mental health support

(b) Incorporating chatbots in education benefits student engagement, learning outcomes, and stress reduction

c) Challenges in implementing chatbots in education include the need for accurate information, potential bias, and ensuring user acceptance

Artificial intelligence in higher education: the state of the field (Crompton & Burke, 2023)

(a) AI has the potential to make education more accessible, affordable, and effective

(b) AI is being used to personalize learning, provide support to students, and automate administrative tasks. AI is also being used to improve research and create new educational opportunities

(c) Challenges associated with AI in education include the need for data privacy and security, the potential for bias, and the need for educators to be trained in how to use AI effectively