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Table 1 Grading methods for each assessed learning outcome

From: Game-based assessment framework for virtual reality, augmented reality and digital game-based learning

Learning outcomes

Scoring methods



\({R}_{spot}\) = \(\frac{c}{c+i}\)

c is the number of correct photos taken and i is the number of incorrect photos taken


\({R}_{hazard}\) = \(\frac{h}{H+i}\)

h is the number of correct hazards types identified, \(H\) is the total number of correct hazard options and i is the number of incorrect options selected


\({R}_{conseq}\) =\(\frac{k}{K+i}\)

k is the number of correct consequences chosen, K is the total number of correct options available and i is the number of incorrect options selected


\({R}_{eliminate}\) = \(\frac{l}{L+i}\)

\(l\) is the number of correctly eliminated risks, L is the total number of risks presented and i is the number of incorrect actions taken


\({R}_{HPoint}\) = \(\frac{hp}{5}\)

\(hp\) is the number of health points remaining after completing the level