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Table 1 Topics, titles, contents of course and development of e-activitie. Topics 3 and 4 (natural food toxins and contaminants) were not considered on this research (see methods chapter). These topics only account for 17% of the course

From: Students’ perceptions of a food safety and quality e-learning course: a CASE study for a MSC in food consumption




e-activities for assessment


Food quality

i) The Impact of food processing on quality and safety (changes occurring during processing: fermentation, cooking);

ii) Evaluation of the quality in the food: evaluation of the physical-chemical, microbiological, nutritional and sensorial characteristics.

It is very important that students understand the difference between Quality and Food Safety. Thus, with the available didactic material, students were asked to contribute individually, on the platform, with their opinions on each concept.


Microbiology and Microbial Contamination

i) General aspects of microbiology;

ii) Factors that affect microbial growth;

iii) Foodborne diseases (Food poisoning/infections caused by bacteria, viruses, parasitoses and mycotoxicoses).

A work team (3 or 4 elements) was proposed to answer a solution to a real problem. After the time established for the development of the different themes within each group, there was a debate with the whole class in which the solutions of each group were discussed.


Food Additives and Food Safety

i) Objectives for the use of additives;

ii) Criteria for use of the additives;

iii) Food safety assessment of an additive and,

iv) Classification of additives (EU).

In this topic, it was decided to only provide individual study through the provision of teaching materials.

In the topic 6, students would have the opportunity to choose any topic addressed.


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points

i) Concept and application of HACCP;

ii) HACCP system, management systems and prerequisites;

iii) The HACCP system in practice: system steps; iv) benefits and, v) Practical cases

In this topic it was developed a fifth activity of the course where students should choose a topic from the previous or the current one to be able to submit an abstract for a congress.

Later on, students must submit a power-point to discuss with the whole class. The simulation of a call for papers for one congress was provided to students.

This activity was a mixed of individual work with subsequent discussion in group.



i) General principles of food law;

ii) Official control;

iii) General and specific hygiene and food safety requirements;

iv) General labelling of foodstuffs, consumer information;

v) Contaminants and additives;

vi) Nutrition labelling and nutrition and health claims;

vii) ISO 9001 and 22,000 series standards.

The sixth activity was the implementation of food law in a real context.

The work was individual, but with future discussion of the subject in the general forum.