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Table 3 Codebook with descriptions

From: Developing an online learner satisfaction framework in higher education through a systematic review of research

Codebook criteria


Study ID

Each article extracted was assigned a unique study ID

Year of publication

Publication year was coded

Author name

Author names were included during coding but excluded during analysis

Journal name

Journal title was coded

Discipline name

Discipline was coded as Education, Sciences, Engineering, Arts, Health Sciences, Business, Computer Science, Law, Multiple Sciences or Not Reported

Student level

Student level was coded as undergraduate, graduate, both undergraduate and graduate, or not reported

Instructional delivery

Instructional delivery was coded as online, blended, and blended/online


Country was coded as United States, and open coded for other countries

Research methodology

Research methodology was coded as quantitative, qualitative or mixed-methods

Research design

Research design was coded as Descriptive, Regression

Experimental or Quasi-Experimental, Correlational,

Factor Analysis, Basic Qualitative, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Hierarchical Linear Modeling

(HLM), Grounded Theory and Naturalistic Inquiry

Data collection

Data collection was coded as Survey, Grades, Extant Data, Documents, Pre/Post tests, Interviews, Focus Groups and Grade Point Average (GPA)

Research themes

Using open coding, research themes were coded as Learner Characteristics, Engagement, Learning Strategies, Instructor Facilitation, Faculty Characteristics, Instructional Design, Course Technologies, Course Quality, Learner Support, Course Delivery, and General Satisfaction

Satisfaction factors

Using open coding, a number of satisfaction factors were coded