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Table 2 Area and Indicator DIGCOMP. Source: Prepared by the author

From: Assessing digital competence and its relationship with the socioeconomic level of Chilean university students



1. Information and digital literacy

1.1 Navigate, search, and filter data, information, and digital content

1.2 Evaluate data, information, and digital content

1.3 Digital data, information, and content management

2. Online communication and collaboration

2.1 Interact through digital technologies

2.2 Sharing through digital technologies

2.3 Participation through digital technologies

2.4 Collaboration through digital technologies

2.5 Network behavior

2.6 Digital identity management

3. Digital content creation

3.1 Digital content development

3.2 Integrating and re-elaborating digital content

3.3 Copyright and licenses

3.4 Programming

4. Network security

4.1 Device protection

4.2 Personal data and privacy protection

4.3 Health and well-being protection

4.4. Environmental protection

5. Problem solving

5.1 Technical problem solving

5.2 Identifying technological needs and responses

5.3 Creative use of digital technology

5.4 Identifying gaps in digital skills