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Table 1 The query structure with questions distributed on different dimensions and levels.

From: ePortfolio to promote networked learning: an experience in the Latin American context




D1_ perception of ePortfolio adaptations in the TDA teaching and learning strategy

Individual (i)

D1(i) _ most customised reviews

D1(i) _ finding guidance to solve a problem

D1(i) _ communicate project ideas

D1(i) _ development of reflections on the workshop itself

D1(i) _ development of peer cooperation

D1(i) _ continuity of workshop work

D1(i) _ development of teamwork

Collective (c)

D1(c) _ how to review workshop work

D1(c) _ how to assess the work carried out

D1(c) _ how to communicate project information

D1(c) _ how to interact with peers and teachers

D1(c) _ how to reflect student identity

D2_ perception of ePortfolio adaptations on the training context

Individual (i)

D2(i) _ reflection on the work done

D2(i) _ collaboration with other workshop members

D2(i) _ the ability to communicate ideas about their work

D2(i) _ the incorporation of more information on the work carried out

Collective (c)

D2(c) _ the construction of a collective reflection on workshop work

D2(c) _ collaboration with other workshop members

D2(c) _ the development of the group or teamwork

D2(c) _ the development of peer reviews

D3_ perception of ePortfolio adaptations in the construction disciplinary learning

Individual (i)

D3(i) _ the development of a technical reference framework on architecture

D3(i) _ the understanding of space and its spatial properties

D3(i) _ understanding the architectural context of a project and its requirements

D3(i) _ the handling of architectural language

D3(i) _ the development of a project strategy to address projects

D3(i) _ the development of a critical reflection on the projects carried out

D3(i) _ the development of graphic communication tools for projects

D3(i) _ the development of argumentative tools for projects

D4_ perception of ePortfolio adaptations in the projection of the training process

Facilitating (f)

D4(f) _ maintain the use of the blog format for its development

D4(f) _ Incorporate another format (Websites, dropbox, drive, etc.)

D4(f) _ incorporate social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc.)

D4(f) _ maintain student status as the owner

D4(f) _ Incorporate a centralised management system (institutional type)

Improve (m)

D4(m) _ maintain the use of e-portfolio as a mandatory activity

D4(m) _ to apply to the e-portfolio greater percentage of the semester evaluation

D4(m) _ planning constant e-portfolio reviews throughout the semester

D4(m) _ Making e-portfolio the mainstay of the teaching and learning process

D4(m) _ to establish the e-portfolio as the basis for the final semester evaluation

Projection (p)

D4(p) _ use of e-portfolio in other workshops in the career

D4(p) _ use of e-portfolio as a lifelong learning strategy

D4(P) _ use of e-portfolio as a basis for validation of student training

D4(P) _ use of e-portfolio as a basis for students' presentation to the final project

D4(p) _ use of e-portfolio as a final project