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Table 6 Construct measurements

From: The role of e-engagement and flow on the continuance with a learning management system in a blended learning environment



Continuance Intention (CI)

I am willing to participate in other courses using the e-learning system. (CI1)

Guo et al., (2016)

I will continue to use the e-learning system in my study. (CI2)

Perceived usefulness (PU)

Using the e-learning system improves my performance in my studies. (PU1)

Davis (1989)

Using the e-learning system in my studies increases my productivity. (PU2)

I find the e-learning system to be useful in my studies. (PU3)

Perceived ease of use (PEOU)

My interaction with the e-learning system is clear and understandable. (PEOU1)

I find the e-learning system to be easy to use. (PEOU2)

Interacting with the e-learning system does not require a lot of my mental effort. (PEOU3*)

Davis (1989)

Concentration (CON)

I was intensely absorbed during my e-learning activities. (CON1)

Ghani et al., (1991)

My attention was very focused during my e-learning activities. (CON2)

I concentrated fully during my e-learning activities. (CON3)

I was deeply engrossed during my e-learning activities. (CON4)

Enjoyment (ENJ)

I found my e-learning activities interesting. (ENJ1)

Ghani et al., (1991)

I found my e-learning activities enjoyable. (ENJ2)

I found my e-learning activities exciting. (ENJ3)

I found my e-learning activities fun. (ENJ4)

Tele-presence (TEL)

During e-learning activities, I often forgot where I was. (TEL1)

Novak et al., (2000)

During e-learning activities, I felt I was in a virtual classroom created by the e-learning system. (TEL2)

After the e-learning activities, I felt like I had come back from a ‘virtual classroom’ after a journey. (TEL3)

During the e-learning activities, I felt that the virtual classroom was more real for me than the “real classroom”. (TEL4)

Control (CTR)

During e-learning activities, I felt total comprehension of what I was learning. (CTR1)

Guo and Ro (2008)

During e-learning activities, I felt like I could control my learning. (CTR2)

During e-learning activities, I felt in total control of my mind. I had a feeling of total control. (CTR3)

  1. *Item removed