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Table 1 Pearson correlations between the predictor variables and the two dependent variables

From: An empirical investigation of the antecedents of learner-centered outcome measures in MOOCs


Intention fulfilment

Learner satisfaction








 Previous experience with MOOCs



 Importance of MOOC’s benefits



 Importance of MOOC’s disadvantages



 Online SRL – Environmental structuring



 Online SRL – Goal setting



Behavioural variables

 Number of videos accessed



 Number of quizzes accessed



 Number of forums accessed



 Duration of participation



 Number of activities accessed



 Receiving completion certificate



Post-course variables

 Perceived course usability



  1. Gender - male coded as ‘1’ and female coded as ‘2’, Previous experience with MOOCs – yes coded as ‘1’, Receiving completion certificate - received a certificate coded as ‘1’
  2. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001