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Table 1 Project phases and objectives

From: Analizying MOOCs from an educational perspective in Spain

Title: “Best practice in MOOCs in the field of education. Analysis of courses and proposals for improvement”


Specific objectives

1. Training the work team and reviewing the literature

- Reviewing the literature.

- Choosing platforms and types of course to analyze.

- Planning the classroom activity with varying degrees of depth.

- Planning the process of monitoring the activity.

2. Analysis of MOOCs

- Development of the classroom activity (4 subjects from 3° courses in Education at the University of Cantabria and 2 subjects from 1° course in Education at the University of Oviedo).

- Documentation of the process.

3. Creation of a MOOC Best Practice Guide

- Summary of work carried out in phase 2.

- Creation of a Best Practice Guide.